Welcome Dr. Hayley McDonald

  We at Bishop Ranch Veterinary & Urgent Care are thrilled to share some fantastic news! This month welcomes a brilliant and dedicated addition to our medical team—Dr. Hayley McDonald.

  Dr. McDonald’s passion for all aspects of veterinary cardiology shines brightly, and her commitment to advancing this field is truly inspiring. Her expertise and enthusiasm will have a significant impact on the well-being of our cherished furry patients.

  Starting this month, Dr. McDonald will be onsite with us for a few days each month. Her primary focus will be conducting echocardiograms, a critical diagnostic tool for assessing pet heart health. Furthermore, Dr. McDonald will serve as an invaluable resource for our team of doctors, offering her expertise, guidance, and support in managing our cardiac patients.

What This Means for Your Beloved Pets:

  We believe Dr. McDonald’s presence will greatly enhance our ability to provide top-notch veterinary care services to your furry family members. Our commitment to delivering the highest quality healthcare is stronger than ever, and we are excited about the positive impact Dr. McDonald will have on your pets’ lives.

  If you have any questions or concerns or would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. McDonald, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly reception team at 925-866-8387. We are here to assist you and ensure your pets receive the best possible care.

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