Welcome Dr. Rebecca Crisp, DVM

  Dr. Crisp joins us with a passion for animals and a lifelong dream of becoming a veterinarian. Dr. Crisp’s love for animals began early in her life, growing up in Moraga, California. Fun fact: her first word was “dog!” Her dedication to her dream led her to the prestigious University of California, Davis, where she earned her degree in veterinary medicine.

  During her first year with us, Dr. Crisp will have the privilege of being mentored and supported by our seasoned veterinarians, including Drs. Adam Scott, Michelle Dodd, Jim Delano, and Frank Utchen. This collaborative approach ensures your beloved pets receive the highest quality care and attention they deserve.

  Dr. Crisp is keenly interested in preventative care, dermatology, and integrative medicine, reflecting her commitment to holistic pet health. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Dr. Crisp. Her dedication, compassion, and commitment to pet well-being make her an excellent addition to our team.

  If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Crisp, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to serving you and your pets with utmost care and compassion.

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