A Special Message from Dr. DeLano

This past November marked the 14th Anniversary of Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center & Urgent Care providing premium, dedicated, compassionate and innovative veterinary care to Bay Area residents. This past December marked the 25th Anniversary of Dr. Utchen and me opening the practice that is now BRVC in San Ramon!

Each of these dates represent significant milestones and cause for celebration.  When Dr. Utchen and I opened Norris Canyon Veterinary Medical Center, December 1, 1989, we never envisioned the size and scope to which this practice would grow. Through your support, we have become a destination in the East Bay for quality care of both patients and their loyal companions (You)!

Overseeing the day to day operations while executing the vision that encompasses maintaining and improving the client and patient experience has grown into a full time job. Additionally, we are expanding our presence to another city in the Tri Valley.


As a cofounder and owner of BRVC, I am dedicated and passionate about its growth and improvement.  We’re constantly making changes to maintain and improve the veterinary care we provide.  Our goal is to ensure these changes do not interrupt the experience you have expected and relied upon for up to 25 years. I am honored to have cared for your families and pets.

I am excited to manage BRVC through the next stage of growth.  As we expand, I am certain the steps we are taking will position us to continue providing premium veterinary care for another generation of pets and their loyal companions (You).  BRVC is my “baby” and I couldn’t be more proud of our staff and the special relationships we hold with you and your pet(s).

The final challenge we, Julie and I, face is the first year of being empty-nesters. Our lives have revolved around the practice and our children. Not only are we “down” on children, we are “down” on pets as well. To that end, as we adapt to this new lifestyle, we are taking on a Great Dane puppy (our 4th) and a kitten, and would like to spend several months allowing them to train us!

From now through June 2015, I will not be seeing patients so I can focus on raising our new pets as well as the business and management aspects of Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center & Urgent Care. Providing you and your family with compassionate care is my honor and joy. I look forward to treating patients again later this year.  

I am also proud of all the veterinarians I work with and know they will care for you and your pets with the same dedication I strive to provide.

With deep appreciation,

Dr. Jim DeLano, DVM

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