April BRVC Employee of the Month: Michelle Ouellette

Like many people who work at BRVC, Michelle Ouellette has felt drawn to animals all her life. Michelle grew up in Contra Costa County and worked for several years in the mortgage industry. But she didn’t truly feel satisfied. It was her special connection to animals that led her to the realization that what she really wanted to do was work with animals. She left her job and registered at a veterinary technician school in order to pursue her dream.

As part of her school training she completed a rotation at BRVC. She knew right away that this was the place she wanted to work. She loved the fast pace, the advanced quality of medicine practiced and the close-knit atmosphere of the staff. She applied for a position as a veterinary technician in April of 2007 and has been with us ever since!

 What her coworkers have to say…

“I have had the privilege of working Michelle for the past 3 years.  In that time my respect for her skills and knowledge has grown exponentially. I rely on her heavily throughout the week.  She always gives her patients 110%. She is always looking out for the all the patients that come through BRVC.  She is a great source of information when it comes to our rabbit and bird friends.  She is one of our most relied on technicians when it comes to rabbit and avian anesthesia. I can say with all seriousness that I could not imagine BRVC without her.” 

- Danny Allhands, Technician Coordinator

“Michelle is a huge asset to our team in that she is always 100% when she is here. She works hard and puts the patients' well being first. She has strong technical skills and is willing to share those with others. Her knowledge and skill with exotics is exceptional. The clients that have gotten to know her enjoy interacting with her. She is a strong leader who the techs look up to and the new staff can look to as a guide.” – Dr. Shann Ikezawa

“Michelle is always willing to help me whenever I call for advice or questions. She is so devoted to and passionate about the wellbeing of the pets she is caring for. It is people like Michelle that help make us a strong team here at BRVC.”

- Miriam S., Client Service Representative

"I always enjoy working with Michelle.  She is extremely knowledge, reliable and detail oriented when it comes to the care of her patients. She is a great teacher who is always willing to take the time to help. I appreciate how straight forward she is and her quick wit and stellar sense of humor. Personally, I feel that BRVC, our clients and especially our patients are lucky to have Michelle on staff. I know I trust her judgment/opinion when it comes to my babies and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. It's people like Michelle that make BRVC a great veterinary hospital.

- Penny P., Exam Room Technician

What Michelle loves about working at BRVC…

Michelle couldn’t be happier that she made the decision years ago to switch careers. Every day she gets to come and work her dream job at BRVC.  She loves the high caliber of medicine practiced by the doctors and staff at BRVC and the options this provides to clients. She especially loves working with exotic pets such as birds, reptiles, rabbits, and guinea pigs.  She feels her confident and calm demeanor helps keep them calm and feel safe and secure. When she isn’t at work Michelle can be found camping, boating, riding her motorcycle and spending time with her black cat Charlie and her rescued Havanese/Shih Tzu mix Tula.  Congratulations to Michelle, our April Employee of the Month – thanks for everything that you do to help make BRVC great!

Tags: employee of the month

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