February BRVC Employee of the Month: Cheri DesChamps By Erin Selby

Our receptionists are the ambassadors of BRVC.  They are the first to greet you and your pet as you walk through the door and the last to say goodbye as you leave.  They are the custodians of the client experience; while our technicians are treating your pets, our receptionists are making sure you are taken care of.  Our receptionists are responsible for so much - from insurance forms, messages to doctors and appointment requests to something as simple as making a cup of coffee and grabbing a box of tissues for those in need.  This month we honor someone who, to many of our clients, represents the face and voice of BRVC – Cheri DesChamps. For over ten years she has greeted our clients and their pets with warmth, compassion, and humor.

How she came to BRVC…

Growing up in the Bay Area, Cheri always had a deep love for animals.  However, she did not initially consider a career working with them.  After time spent in the restaurant industry and as a nanny, Cheri settled into a career as a home health care provider.  When the family she had been working for no longer required her services she took the time to consider what really made her happy.  What came up for her time and time again was her love for animals.  At this point she had been a client of BRVC for several years and she loved the care her pets received from the doctors and staff.  When a position as a receptionist became available, she decided to apply.  With her history in hospitality and healthcare combined with her passion for animals, Cheri was and still is a perfect fit for BRVC and our clients!

What her coworkers have to say…

You can always rely on Cheri to make sure that our patients and their owners are well taken care of.   We appreciate her being able to make the clients feel comfortable whether it is the happiest of puppy visits or some of the more concerning sick animal appointments.   Her sense of humor is invaluable and she makes it fun to come to work every day.

- Dr. James Pogrel, Medical Director

For as long as I can remember, Cheri has always been the friendly face of BRVC.  Clients absolutely love her, staff members respect her and she's always great to work with. Her dependability and willingness to step in and help other departments makes her the ultimate team player.

- Tiffany Sapp, Phone Receptionist

Cheri and I work together in the mornings, which for most people isn't the best part of the day. Cheri is always there with a smile, greeting the client and their pet as they drop them off, for what is undoubtedly a stressful situation.  She and I work very well together; we laugh and have fun while working smoothly and efficiently.  We are a great team, able to see what the other is doing and how to step in and assist without overstepping.  I've known Cheri since I started at BRVC in 2006 but it was just this year that we got to know each other better, she is a really important part of BRVC and a good friend.

- Kristin Unger, Dr. Cain’s Assistant


What impresses me the most about Cheri is how well she knows our clients.  In the years that she has worked here, she has taken the time to get to know many of them between short interactions every time they are here, and always greets them by name when they come in. Our clients love her!  Cheri also has quite a sense of humor, most of our interactions include good laughs, and sometimes that is all you need to make a stressful day better.  She is a very special employee, and we are very lucky to have her on our team.

- Liza Galindo, Reception Shift Lead


I have such an appreciation for the genuine connections Cheri strives to make with each and every client and patient who walks in our front doors.

- Danielle Capizano, Reception Coordinator

What Cheri loves about working at BRVC…

Cheri takes pride in building relationships with BRVC clients and experiencing the special bond they have with their pets.  She loves that BRVC works so closely with so many local animal rescue groups. Assisting the people who campaign tirelessly for those who do not have a voice is deeply important to her.  Of working at BRVC, Cheri says, “I feel blessed to be working with a team of individuals who take pride in what they do and are committed to their patients’ well being as well as the clients.”

Congratulations to our February 2015 Employee of the Month! Thank you for making our clients feel like family and for being part of what helps make us great!

Tags: employee of the month

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