Highlighted Veterinarian: Dr. Leanne Taylor

Dr. Taylor is a graduate from the Veterinary School at the University of California, Davis.  She completed her internship at NYC Veterinary Specialists in Manhattan, and at their sister clinic in Florida, where she furthered her special interest in exotic pets (reptiles, small mammals, and amphibians).  Dr. Taylor's special interests center around surgery -- orthopedics and soft tissue -- as well as cardiovascular, respiratory medicine, and exotic pets.  Outside of veterinary medicine, she spends her time skiing, road cycling, and spending time with her husband, their son Graeme and their daughter Gwendolyn, their cat Saulter and their 65 year old desert tortoise, Mert.  They recently adopted a new desert tortoise who is 100 years old!

Schedule: Dr. Taylor recently returned from Maternity Leave and is now available for appointments Monday through Wednesday

Tags: veterinarian, Dr Leanne Taylor, exotic veterinary medicine

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