Our Hospital Hours Are Changing Starting May 1st

Dear Clients,

We would like to share some of the many things we have been working on at Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center & Urgent Care to continually improve the delivery of the highest quality veterinary care to you and your pets.

As many of you know, due to our increasing caseload of emergency cases, it has been necessary for us to prioritize those daily appointments for the pets we see, and consequently, it is sometimes difficult for you to make a same-day or same-week appointment for non-emergency problems with your pets. We do not take these challenges lightly when it comes to being available for you and your pet when you need us. The reality is that it's not just a challenge at Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center & Urgent Care, but this is a problem state-wide because there are more ill pets than there are sufficient numbers of veterinarians to take care of them. 

In our effort to continue prioritizing quality veterinary care, we are making some logistical changes so we can continue offering care and support to your pets. Many of our veterinarians and staff members have worked for the last 18 months during the pandemic without a break or time to recharge themselves for the daily challenges of our profession. In a sense, they have begun to experience the same fatigue as any emergency room doctor, and in the minds of our Management team (Margaret Simuro, Hospital Director; Jennifer Vifian, Client Services Manager; Ali Munoz, Hospital Care Manager; and the partners in the practice, Dr. Jim DeLano, and Dr. Frank Utchen) they are all heroes in our veterinary world. 


The following changes will ultimately support our team in being available for you and your pets in providing the care you expect. 

  • May 1, 2022 - Our hours at the hospital will be shifting earlier:
    • Monday through Friday, we will now be open 6:30 AM to 9:00 PM. 
    • Saturday & Sunday, we will be open 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM. 
    • Adjusting our hours allows us to support more appointments and procedures for your pets, while also maintaining and improving our staff's work-life balance.

We ask that all our clients have patience and understanding as we work to take care of our team and the patients that depend on us. Please, whenever possible, schedule your non-urgent appointment(s) in advance – our appointment books are open for the year Click Here To Schedule Your Appointment. This new online appointment portal will let you easily schedule your pet's appointment for a time that works with your schedule. This will allow you to self-schedule your non-emergency appointment weeks or even months in advance and avoid any delays that might occur if attempting to schedule your appointment closer to your desired date. 

Our team has been working diligently to implement these changes for you as transparently as possible. Shifting our opening and closing hours earlier in the morning and evening, and providing an online portal for you to schedule your own appointments well in advance will improve our delivery of veterinary care to your pets and enhance your experience at BRVC. 

As always, our Client Service Staff is here to serve you and your pets, and we sincerely appreciate your continued kindness and patience with them on the phones and in the hospital as we finish working out the details of these changes. Ultimately, this will allow us to do our best to assure that our increasing case load of emergencies is handled for you in the most efficient way possible.

Please forward any questions or concerns to: Margaret@webvets.com

Margaret Simuro, Hospital Director

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