July Employee of the Month: Jacquie Hernandez

About Jacquie…

Jacquie’s passion and love for cats played a big role in her decision to start her career at BRVC in 2007, she considers herself a “kitten aficionado.” She moved to San Ramon 4 years ago, and currently lives with her boyfriend and two adorable cats, Kevin and Doug. Her second passion is baseball. When she isn’t at work, you can find her at the Oakland A’s games. Her goal is to watch the A’s play at every MLB stadium!

Her history at BRVC…

Jacquie started as a Runner, gathering charts for upcoming appointments before BRVC made the switch to electronic charts. From there, she moved her way throughout the hospital filling roles such as Client Services Representative, Exam Room Technician, and Pharmacy Technician. In the last 8 years, Jacquie has been from reception to our treatment area, and everywhere in between. She has also been a great asset to our pharmacy department, she knows it all!

What her coworkers have to say…

“Jacquie is constantly in motion. She is always trying to improve the efficiency of the hallway, as well as making the client experience of refilling prescriptions easier. Brainstorming with Jacquie is fun and productive, she really runs with ideas and helps see them through the end. What I love about Jacquie is her ability to make everyone feel like a part of the team, and that she steals kittens for us to play with when we are having a stressful day!” – Traci L., Pharmacy Technician/Exam Room Technician

“I enjoy working with Jacquie because she is always bubbly and comes in with a smile on her face and a “can do” attitude. She will always find a way to make pharmacy a positive environment, even during the most stressful times. We often call Jacquie the “queen of pharmacy” because she knows the ins and outs, and everything in between. There is not a single question that Jacquie can’t answer. Having Jacquie on our team really makes us feel confident that we can succeed in whatever is thrown our way.” – Stephanie R., Pharmacy Technician/Exam Room Technician/CSR

“Jacquie is a very hard and dedicated worker who takes her job very seriously. Her organizational skills, quick wit, and attention to detail is something to be admired. Jacquie wears many hats at BRVC and can be seen working upfront as CSR or in treatment as a tech assistant, which makes her a very valuable staff member. In addition, Jacquie knows anything and everything that needs to be known in Pharmacy and ERT, she is a wealth of knowledge for the hallway. I know the Doctors and Staff always feel better knowing Jacquie is there to answer any difficult questions that may come up. She is a pro at training and has trained many successful employees. We can always feel confident that anyone who trains under Jacquie has been trained the proper BRVC way. She is a very important member of the BRVC family and we are lucky to have her!” –Olivia H., Treatment Coordinator

“Jacquie is reliable, helpful, upbeat, fun, and enthusiastic. She is so versatile and can really step in and help anywhere and is always willing to do so. I really appreciate her help with training and creating protocols and documents for pharmacy. She is also very creative, and always thoughtful of others.”- Danielle C., CSR Coordinator

“Jacquie is always willing to jump in and help wherever it is needed.  In her time at BRVC she has gained a tremendous amount of pharmacy knowledge that has made her a huge asset to the team. Jacquie is a hard worker and really cares about whichever job it is she is doing, she is awesome!” – Jessica G., Pharmacy Technician/ CSR

“Jacquie is one of my most valued employees. She is able to handle the demands of clients and staff with a smile and her thoroughly enjoyable, if somewhat dry, sense of humor. I feel I can trust her with any of the demands I put on her (which are many). She really does make my day easier and more enjoyable, so I thank her for that.” –Dr. James Pogrel

“Jacquie is incredibly knowledgeable; she is pretty much the doctor’s right hand. She always keeps things organized and makes work fun with her smile and sense of humor. She is also a huge cat lover like myself, which makes her A-okay in my book!”- Penny P., Exam Room Technician

What Jacquie loves about working at BRVC…

“I love being able to say that I am a part of one of the best veterinary hospitals in the Bay Area. Along with my coworkers and veterinarians, we are able to make a difference in the lives of our clients and their beloved animals with the variety of services we offer. I love the people I work with; seeing their compassion and care for our clients and patients makes me happy to work alongside them. But most of all, I enjoy working with kittens!”

Congratulations to our July 2015 Employee of the Month! Thank you for all the hard work you have put in these last 8 years, we couldn’t do it without you!

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