July Employee of the Month: Rebecca Callahan

We are excited to announce Rebecca Callahan as BRVC's July Employee of the Month.  Rebecca will be celebrating her 1 year anniversary with the BRVC family in August.  In this time, Rebecca has made a powerful and lasting impression at BRVC.  Starting as a Customer Service Representative, Rebecca caught on very quickly, excelling in her position and becoming a reliable trainer.  Showing extreme potential and interest to learn in other departments, Rebecca took the step to become an Exam Room Technician (ERT).  "My favorite part of my job is the ability to learn and cross-train for other departments.  These opportunities lead me to feel a personal gain and professional value."

At BRVC our ERTs greet our clients and patients and assist them in a timely manner to one of our exam rooms for their appointment.  To make things more interesting, try adding 5-8 Doctors seeing patients at the same time.  The ERT takes the pet's temperature and weight for their record, and with certain pets, this can certainly pose another challenge to the job!  Rebecca again stood out by having a keen sense of organization and ability to bond with our clients and patients, helping her succeed in the position.  She continues to grow and learn, making her an asset to her team.  "I feel very proud to work in such an impressive hospital even on the most stressful of days.  With so many doctors and staff yet there's still a personal touch... "

Born in Mikado Michigan and raised in upstate New York, Rebecca was interested in a Veterinary Technology path after graduating high school.  Life had its own path for Rebecca and after years of working in retail she decided to continue to pursue the vet tech path.  Already volunteering at the Hayward Animal Shelter, she became interested in BRVC after reading the positive reviews from our clients.  She decided taking the job was a good step in the right direction.  "After being offered a working interview and waiting patiently in the lobby I had two different clients express their love for the hospital and staff which certainly helped with my decision."

Rebecca has a great sense of humor, an upbeat personality and projects the definition of team work.  She is a joy to work with and makes even the most challenging day a fun day!  Her attention to our clients shows in her love for the job.  And we couldn't be more grateful for her dedication to our clients.  "The best components of my job are definitely meeting new people and their pets and welcoming back returning clients."

Traveling and exploring new places, photography, drawing in different mediums, belly dancing, and playing video games are just a few of the activities Rebecca enjoys while not at work.  I am certain thouth that "harassing" her kitties, Arwen (SPCA of Upstate NY), Kitara, and Katamari (rescued from a parking lot) is the number one activity on her list!  "I also have two family dogs back home in NY: Katana... who is a Shepherd mix and Romeo who is a chocolate lab mix".

Rebecca is certainly an important part of the BRVC famly and we couldn't be more proud to annouce her as Employee of the Month for July!  Congratulations Rebecca and Thank You for all you do for the pets and their people.

Tags: Rebecca Callahan, Employee of the Month July

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