June Employee of the Month: Alex Shveyda!

BRVC is proud to announce Alex Shveyda as our Employee of the Month for June.  Alex joined our team new to the veterinary field in June 2013.  Over the last 3 years Alex has greatly expanded her patient care skill set in boarding and continues to excel in providing exceptional customer service to our clients.  "I love working with all the animals and how much there is to learn and grow at BRVC.  There are so many opportunities to do so.  You get a chance to bond with all the pets that come in."

Alex was born and raised in Concord, California.  After high school she attended Diablo Valley College.  "After going to DVC for 3 years and changing my major several times, I decided to take a break from school and do something I really enjoyed and was interested in... working with animals."  Alex started out as boarding assistant at BRVC.  After 2 years of working with animals professionally, she decided to enroll at Carrington College to study veterinary technology.  She is currently taking advantage of BRVC's in-house training opportunities, learning basic tech assisting skills from our accomplished technician staff.

Alex's busy lifestyle doesn't end with work and school!  "I also enjoy riding my horses, running, hiking, or just hanging out with my dogs."  Alex has a 4 year old Labrador named "Abbey", a 9 year old Australian Cattle Dog named "Kara" and a cat named "Baby".  She also has a history of riding and showing horses and owns three of her own Arabian horses, "Polaris" and two rescues, "Max" and "Luna".  "I like really high energy animals as you can tell... they make life way more interesting!"

It has been fun and rewarding supporting Alex's growth here at BRVC.  As a senior boarding assistant, she leads by example and is a go-to for any staff member who may have questions about the department.  Her drive to learn and progress in everything she does has led to her great accomplishments.  She has refined her skills working with pets that have special physical and behavioral needs.  Her patience and persistence helps her to work with these pets and train newer staff members, providing a more individualized approach to patient care for our boarding pets.  "My favorite part is working with the shy/scared pets and making them feel comfortable enough to come out of their shell a bit.  My FAVORITE is seeing one of those pets come in again and they know exactly who you are and act like they never left.  It's the most rewarding feeling when a shy/scared pet can look to you for comfort now that they feel safe with you."

We look forward to seeing what's next from this great talent at BRVC!

Tags: June Employee of the Month, Alex Shveyda, Boarding, BRVC

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