October Employee of the Month: Debbie Mullins

Our October Employee of the Month is truly BRVC’s secret weapon. As Administrative Assistant, Debbie Mullins works behind the scenes to support the smooth operation of our hospital. There truly doesn’t seem to be an end to the list of things she helps make happen – and always with a friendly smile on her face!

Debbie is a Bay Area native with a history in a variety of different positions, including customer service, accounting, and human resources. All of these skills combine to make her an absolutely stellar and indispensible Administrative Assistant. She joined the BRVC team in August of 2011. As to why she decided to work at a veterinary hospital, Debbie says, “I had worked at different types of companies and hoped to get a sense of satisfaction from my work knowing that we are helping animals to live better lives. Even in my case if it is not directly, but supporting the people who do.”

Here favorite part of working at BRVC is the range of tasks and close knit community. “I love the variety of things that I do. No day is ever the same,” she says.  “I love the sense of family here. We have a terrific variety of personalities. “

In her spare time Debbie is a big fan of games – cards, board games and dice in particular. She loves spending time with her family. Her favorite place to be is by the water – swimming, snorkeling, boogie boarding… if it is in the water, she loves it! You can also find her watching Game of Thrones and other TV shows or movies set in different eras. Debbie enjoys traveling and hopes to do more of it in the future.

What Debbie’s coworkers say…

“Debbie has a calm friendly demeanor and she is an indispensible part of the Admin team!  She’s always available to staff to help steer them in the right direction to get the information they are looking for.  I really enjoy working with Debbie- and her positive attitude is an example to us all!”

- Cari H. Hospital Operations Manager

“Debbie is always willing to help and usually with a smile!

Her support with staff reviews, on boarding new staff, processing payroll and the endless other tasks is invaluable and I couldn’t do it without her!”

- Chris K. Human Resources

"Debbie is such a pleasure to work with. I come to her multiple times a day and there has never been a time that she has hesitated to help me out. Debbie also has a great sense of humor and I enjoy catching up with her when we have a chance :) She is our go-to for so many things and I'm incredibly grateful for her!"

- Liza G. Reception Shift Lead

We are so proud to announce Debbie as our October Employee of the Month. We are lucky to have someone of her caliber as part of our team.

Tags: Employee of the Month

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