Welcome Dr. Myrrh Sagy!

I treasure the opportunity to affect the lives of others in both large and small ways. Whether it is a puppy or a kitten coming in for a first exam, an owner whose pet has a complicated medical problem, or difficult end of life decisions, veterinary medicine gives me many opportunities to touch the lives of both people and pets on various levels. It is the most satisfying work I can imagine.” –Dr. Sagy

We are thrilled to announce we have a new veterinarian joining our exceptional team of veterinarians – Dr. Myrrh Sagy! Take a moment to get to know Dr. Sagy and find out why she is excited to be working at Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center & Urgent Care.

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in the East Bay and San Francisco. After many years living both out of state and in other parts of the Bay Area, I am happy to return to the East Bay!

Tell us about your educational background and what you have been up to since you left school.

I earned my BS in Biochemistry at UT Austin, where I was involved in research in a bio-analytical chemistry lab. Following my graduation I did stem cell research in the Bay Area both in academics and in the biotechnology sector.  After five years in research I returned to school at UC Davis to pursue veterinary medicine. While in vet school I applied my research skills to help solve animal problems by working in a lab focused on developing new methods to address challenging bone fractures. After vet school I did a rotating internship at PetCare Veterinary Hospital in Santa Rosa, CA with a focus on internal medicine, surgery, and emergency medicine.

How many pets do you have? What kind of pets are they and what are their names?

I have two cats, a horse, and 3 chickens. Circe is a large domestic shorthair whom I adopted at the end of my undergraduate education; Azriel is a tiny domestic long hair who came to me while I was in veterinary school. He was the first cat I neutered! My horse is a Shire-Thoroughbred cross named Artemis, but she answers to “Moose.”  My small flock of chickens consists of a Blue Andalusian named Soup, an Ameraucana named Salad, and a Black Jersey Giant named Sandwich. They are 6 years old, but still lay the occasional egg in the summer. 

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

In my spare time I enjoy a multitude of outdoor activities. I bike- both road and mountain, and recently completed my first century. I rock climb, hike, back-pack and swim, when time allows. When I’m not outside I enjoy making cheese to share with my family and friends.

Describe how and why you became interested in becoming a veterinarian. What motivates you to be a veterinarian?

After working in research for several years I decided that I wanted to change fields to one in which I could have a more direct impact on those around me. My love of animals combined with an appreciation for biology, physiology and science in general, made veterinary medicine a natural choice. I couldn’t be happier with my decision to change career paths. The people and pets that I meet inspire me daily, and nothing makes me happier than knowing that I have had a positive impact on the lives of others.

What do you look forward to about working at Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center & Urgent Care?

I am so excited to be joining a team that works together so collaboratively to provide the best care for both pets and people in the community. The level of expertise, teamwork and dedication combined with a fantastic staff and the commitment to having a positive impact in the community are what drew me to Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center.

What do you love most about being a veterinarian?

I treasure the opportunity to affect the lives of others in both large and small ways. Whether it is a puppy or a kitten coming in for a first exam, an owner whose pet has a complicated medical problem, or difficult end of life decisions, veterinary medicine gives me many opportunities to touch the lives of both people and pets on various levels. It is the most satisfying work I can imagine.

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