
Age: 5 years
Breed: Terrier Mix

Meet Duke: a 5 year old Terrier mix whose recovery time from being hit by a car was cut in half thanks to his Cold Laser Therapy at Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center...

Duke was visiting Oregon with his family in March when he was hit by the car. His family rushed him to a local veterinary hospital, where he was stabilized, and then drove him home to see Dr Larry Gilman at Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center. Duke's injuries were extensive: fractured tail, fractured and dislocated pelvis, and horribly severe road rash in his groin and abdomen. He was only able to stand for brief periods and was in pain despite the pain medication the stabilizing vet had prescribed. Dr Gilman immediately gave orders for stronger pain control and focused on the best way to heal his bone and tissue wounds. He prescribed Cold Laser Treatments on both Duke's road rash and his fractures.

With wounds like Duke's we would normally expect recovery time of 8 to 12 weeks. Even though Duke's wounds developed complications (a common danger with such extensive injuries), he was still able to recover in just 4 weeks! Dr Gilman credits Cold Laser Therapy for the drastic speed of recovery.

Cold laser can help decrease inflammation, increase circulation, and promote healing. After being discharged from the hospital, Duke's owners brought him to BRVC 2-3 times a week for Cold Laser Treatments, performed by many technicians, including Allessandra Munoz, RVT (pictured). Duke seemed to enjoy the treatments: it always seemed like a social event when he came in for each one!

Amazingly, with the help of Cold Laser, Duke was able to make a faster full recovery: regaining his mobility and even his tail function, in addition to completely healed wounds in only 6 weeks. He is feeling great, and back to his old self, happy at home with his devoted family.

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