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Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center & Urgent Care Blog

Learn more about veterinary care in our blog!

Ask the Vet – Canine Heart Disease by Kristel Weaver, DVM, MPVM

Did you know that dogs don’t get clogged arteries and heart attacks like humans?  If only we knew why, we could make millions in pharmaceuticals!  Even though dogs don’t have heart attacks, heart disease is still a common problem.

Kitty Korner: The Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) and the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) By Frank Utchen, DVM

Two of the most devastating viral diseases for cats are Feline Leukemia and Feline AIDS. Each is caused by a virus for which there is no cure once a cat contracts it. Both viruses are in the family of viruses called Retroviruses, which puts them in the same group as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Fortunately, repeated studies of veterinarians who routinely come in contact with these diseases, and repeated unsuccessful attempts to grow these viruses in human cell cultures has confirmed that neither virus is transmissible to humans. 

Ask the Vet: Pets, Babies and Toddlers by Kristel Weaver DVM, MPVM

Writing about pets and small children is a subject very relevant to my world since I have a two year old, a baby due in July, two dogs and a cat. Even if you don't have little kids of your own, you might have friends with kids, grandchildren or neighborhood children who want to play with your pets.

Pet Disaster Preparedness Seminar

Disasters strike with little to no warning and can leave heartache in its wake. Family members often become separated from one another, including the ones without a voice - our beloved pets. In recognition of National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day on May 8th, we have put together a Pet Disaster Preparedness Manual for our clients based on FEMA guidelines. These informative packets are free, packed full of life-saving advice and available via email at Don't hesitate - contact us to have one sent to you today!

Kitty Corner: Asthma and Bronchitis

Obstructive and allergic lung diseases affect many cats and are sometimes called “asthma,” “bronchitis,” or “bronchial asthma.” Unfortunately, these diseases are not easily classified and probably represent a variety of lung disorders. They do share a common finding of “hyper-responsive” or “over-reactive” airways.

My Dog is My Copilot: Guide Dogs by Cyndi Davis

International Guide Dog Day is April 28th. Bishop Ranch Veterinary Center & Urgent Care has a long history caring for Guide Dogs in Training. We love and celebrate this amazing program. One of our staff members, Cyndi Davis, is a Leader of Alameda County 4H Guide Dog Puppy Raisers and has helped raise 15 guide dog puppies. In honor of International Guide Dog Day she has written about her experiences.

Fun Facts, Features, and Figures of Ferrets! by Megan Armor, DVM

A ferret is a type of carnivore related to the weasel, otter, and badger. They were initially domesticated to hunt rats and mice in people's homes, farms, and ships. They are very efficient predators and, unlike cats, can fit into very small spaces where rats and mice like to hide. Domestic ferrets have also been bred to help hunt rabbits for food and for their pelts. Today, the majority of ferrets are used as companion animals.

Ask the Vet- Tripods by Kristel Weaver, DVM, MPVM

Learning that your dog or cat needs an amputation brings up a lot of questions. I’ll discuss common concerns about living with a pet that has undergone an amputation and share my own experiences on life with a tripod, my favorite term for a three-legged dog or cat.

Snail Bait Poisoning

Snail bait is the most common poisoning agent of dogs in California. Warning signs of snail bait poisoning include anxious twitching that becomes uncontrollable, racing heart rate, vomiting, diarrhea and respiratory failure.The twitching progresses to seizures and potentially death. Seizures can raise a pet's body temperature so high that brain damage can occur.

Ask the Vet: Why do cats vomit? by Kristel Weaver, MPVM, DVM

I have 2 kitties and one of them throws up a ton! I know people say that cats throw up; it's no big deal. Why do cats vomit?

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